1. Introduction

By using RandomYV, you agree to these terms.

2. Service Description

RandomYV provides random video suggestions from your YouTube channel subscriptions.

3. Account Creation and Google OAuth

  • You need to create an account using Google OAuth.
  • We only access your YouTube channel subscriptions for providing our services.

4. Subscription Fees and Billing

  • RandomYV offers a 30-day free trial, followed by a $2 monthly subscription fee.
  • Fees are non-refundable.

5. Use of Our Services

  • Do not misuse our services.
  • We respect your privacy and only use your data to provide the service.

6. Changes to Our Services

We may modify or discontinue the service at our discretion.

7. Liability and Warranties

We aim to provide a high-quality service but do not guarantee the availability or accuracy of recommendations.

8. Contact Us

For any questions or concerns, please contact us at contact@randomyv.com.